You Can...

likely picture the inside of your dream home; or at least parts of it. Attaining it appears to be contingent on the limits of two resources that seem to be mutually exclusive; time and money.

100% Judgment Free

Books are chosen for a variety of reasons. You've likely heard "Don't judge a book by its cover". What about the art and title? Those may be symbolic to one and not another. The literature, aesthetic and every artistic aspect may be judged and valued differently. All is subjective and relative to someone's perception and perspective.

We Intend...

to get you closer to your ideal home décor while saving you time and money decorating.

We Offer...

Combinations of decorative items arranged into display sets. Décor sets come in a variety of colors, themes and styles. Books and décor may be new, vintage or handmade. There's typically only one of each set available. Our décor collections will be artwork exclusive to your home.

set of neutral decorative books for display. reeal hardcover books used for decorating.
set of neutral decorative books for display. reeal hardcover books used for decorating.


New, used, vintage, and antique books are organized into coordinating sets. Display sets are intended to give you the best value on your home décor.

Decorative Accents & Accessories

Some display sets have complementing decorative accents and accessories.

Handmade Concrete Decor

Concrete decor is also paired with books and/or decorative accents.